Saturday, January 18, 2025
Lecture: Computing Lower Bounds for Permutation Arrays under Kendall-tau Metric
Speaker: Ivan Hal Sudborough
University of Texas
Title: Computing Lower Bounds for Permutation Array under Kendall-tau Metric
Abstract: Permutation arrays under the Kendall-tau metric have been considered for
error-correcting codes. For two permutations P and Q, the Kendall-tau distance
between P and Q is the minimum number of adjacent transpositions (bubble sort
operations) to transform P into Q. Given n and d in [1,(n 2)], the task is to find a large
permutation array on n symbols with pairwise Kendall-tau distance at least d. Let
P(n,d) denote the maximum size of any permutation array of permutations on n
symbols with pairwise Kendall-tau distance d. Using new recursive techniques, new
automorphisms, and programs that combine randomness and greedy strategies, we
obtain several improved lower bounds for P(n,d).
Time: Thursday, April 13, 2023 (24 Farvardin 1402)
20:00- 21:00 (Tehran local time)
Venue link:
Meeting ID: 942 4017 4130
Passcode: 384590
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